Beauty, What Is It?

Written by Ashin Sumanacara


March 3, 2023

The beauty industry is flooded with commercials and advertisements, and new products are coming out every day.

Every woman wants to look good no matter what her age is.
Because of that, they wear nice clothes, accessories, and do their makeup.

What does “beauty” mean for men?

There’s something here for everyone, not just women, so take a look!

It doesn’t matter how old women are, they want to be beautiful.

When your hair is neatly arranged, your makeup is on, and you wear clothes that fit you, you just feel good.

I think it’s because of self-satisfaction.

It’s important to feel good about yourself.

It makes you feel good about yourself. Even if you don’t say anything, people around you will sense it.

If you asked me though, is it “truly” beautiful?
Different cases apply!

Certainly, the first impression will fade if they act vulgarly, speak foully, complain a lot… That’s gonna disappoint her, I’m sure. You won’t feel the tiniest bit of beauty.

For men, it’s the same.

You have a beautiful face. There’s something even more beautiful about humans. That’s the beauty of the heart. True beauty lies in the neatness of the heart.

You want to look at someone who is “truly” beautiful forever.

However, you can’t say you’re beautiful just because you look pretty on the outside. Inside beauty is important.

The more beautiful you are on the inside, the more dignity you will exude, and it will cover up your flaws.

External and internal factors contribute to beauty, but ultimately what matters most is the beauty of the heart.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could make our hearts beautiful?

Suppose you think you have to practice something, such as moral studies or meditation. It’s up to you what you like.

How can we make the inside shine and beautiful?
You need to eat good food and eat a lot of nutrition to keep your body healthy and beautiful.
What’s more important? To shine and beautify our hearts, shouldn’t we calm our minds and take things that are good for our hearts?

Let’s make that heart beautiful!

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